Tiger and I

Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold. The rich and poor have this in common: The Lord made them both. Proverbs 22:1-2 (NLT)

tiger_woods_yall I have rolled this 1st verse around in my mind today—it is hard not to think of Tiger Woods when you read it.  To my sorrow I have delighted in speculating and discussing the sad events that have left him with a stained reputation.

After reading a post of C. J. Mahaney’s entitled “Hunting Tiger Woods”,  I am more focused on the gospel rich news of verse two than in wanting to look down my self righteous nose or point out to Tiger how he failed to heed the wisdom of verse 1!

Verse 2 reminds me that Tiger and I have one common Creator, one Lord, and one Judge. I cannot despise another or gloat over someone else’s sin without defaming the work and reputation of my gracious God.

Gratefully, there is also common ground—level ground at the foot of the cross. There, rich and poor alike can humbly bow.  There we can bring our stained reputations, stained affections, stained motives and stained attitudes and exchange them for the perfect righteousness of our Lord.

May we both care more for our Creator’s reputation than either of ours!