Cutting Up

22965048This summer, a group of women at my church are meeting to study the Psalms of Ascent.

We are using Beth Moore’s study “Stepping Up” as our guide.

As we consider each psalm, she asks us to write our own version.

Today’s pilgrim psalm was Psalm 129.

These are the words that tumbled as out as a prayer from this wonderful psalm:


Lord, I am not innocent. 

I have belittled, berated and beaten up people as I have lived out the days of this life.

  I have treated people as though they have little importance or value.

Lord, I have tasted the same treatment.

I know all too well what it does to a heart.

  This morning you asked me to look at my selective memory.

You made me look at how quickly and how well I remember receiving pain and how little I linger over or weigh the pain I have heaped on others.

This morning you invited me to believe that you hold the scissors which can sever forever the binding ropes of selective memory.

You who can take thoughts captive, can release me from rehearsing and valuing things wrongly.

This morning you corrected the way I look at my days.

Today, I am once again thinking on what I received but not as in the past.

Today, I am not huddled around self pitying thoughts of how much hurt I have received but of how much undeserved grace!

Today Lord,  you have made me remember that I need your mercy

…and so does my enemy.